Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thursday, Friday, Saturday

6.5 + 4 + 9.5. Fun and cold freaking days. I have just realized that there are only 10 weeks left till Boston, 3 weeks of coasting before the event don't count.

A lot of people were running today along Comm Ave. Some even tried to be competitive. Oh well ... This building is the most famous building along the Boston marathon route. It's after mile 17 and that's where chicken come home to roost. 200 yards to the left is the first of Newton Hills. So get ready. It's a good place to hit the wall or to start walking.

Many groups start their training runs here. Runners say that there is a bathroom in the building, but others suspect it's an urban legend. It's 1.5 mile from my home and the place where I choose to break the sweat.

The road were pretty clean, an icy patch here and there, but ... ironically the worst maintained patch is 300 hundred yards next to the Newton City Hall. Two Johny Kellys half-naked look as if they just ran on snow covered surface.

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